Expat service.

Complete service for all your home affairs.

Selling your house

Living in a different country than you grew up in and then selling your first home is not something you do every day. If you have purchased before, then buying your home back then must have been quite a process. This is exactly why you want to rely on someone with experience. Someone who looks after your/your interests and puts his/her network and expertise to work for you. If you are going to sell your home, RE/MAX Gildenhof is the perfect partner.

RE/MAX Gildenhof is fully certified by the Vereniging Bemiddeling Onroerend Goed (VBO). We know the market accurately and have built a solid foundation. We ensure that the sales process remains calm.


How do we work?

During the intake interview we tell you exactly what you can do to make it easier to sell your house and what we will and can do for you during this process. Honesty and transparency are very important in this, as well as our rates. Honest and clear, so there are no surprises at all. When you decide to do business with RE/MAX Gildenhof, you know in advance and during the process, exactly what you get.


Sales presentation

When we partner, your home gets the attention it needs plus our additional marketing strategy. This competitive market needs this strategy to ensure that your home and presentation stands out within the area in which we present your home. By the way, you only get one chance to make that specific first impression, which is why it's important to get it right!

Our presentation and marketing strategy package includes everything about the sales presentation process. It includes the following products:

- A customized video

- A virtual tour

- Floor plans of the house

- Digital brochure

- Professional photo shoot

- Social media presentation

- Google ads

- Own house website

- Optional drone footage

- Optional Matterport presentation (cross-section house)

Want to know more about our unique presentation and marketing strategy? Feel free to contact us!


We can also offer you the possibility of using our experienced stylists to ensure that your house is presented in the best possible way.

If you would like more information about this, please feel free to contact us.

  • 9
    Erg blij met onze keuze voor RE/MAX Gildenhof en een speciale dank aan onze makelaar Jannes Munsterman. Jannes is een prettig en fijn persoon in de omgang en ook buiten kantooruren bereikbaar. Gekoppeld met zijn enthousiaste houding, specifieke kennis van de lokale markt en kunde op het gebied van onderhandelingen is jouw huis binnen een mum van tijd verkocht, net zoals de onze!
    van der Heijden
  • 10
    Door het snelle schakelen van Jannes heb ik mijn studio snel voor een goede prijs kunnen verkopen. Jannes reageert snel, is deskundig en helpt je goed verder!
    Eveline Monrooij
  • 10
    Barbara Dupuits van Re/Max is een uiterst kundig makelaar, die alles doet om de ideale aankoop én de beste verkoop mogelijk te maken. Ze is enorm gedreven, nam ons goed mee in het proces door alle stappen goed toe te lichten, was altijd beschikbaar en weet precies wanneer haar aanwezigheid gewenst is - én wanneer niet nodig. Beslissen een nieuw huis te kopen, je oude te verkopen en te verhuizen is een behoorlijke life-event. We raden samenwerken met Re/Max, Barbara en ook Myrjam, aan iedereen van harte aan
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 8
    Barbara is een doortastende makelaar. Ze kent de markt, ze kent de spelregels. Ze staat voor haar gemaakte afspraken en geeft support in raad en daad. Kort gezegd, meer dan tevreden.
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 8
    Jannes is erg enthousiast en doet zijn vak met veel liefde en betrokkenheid. Hij is persoonlijk betrokken in het gehele verkoopproces en de communicatie over en weer verloopt snel en soepel. Hij kent de markt maar snapt ook de doelgroep van huizenzoekers, hij weet deze ook op de juiste manier aan te spreken. 
Het gehele verkoopproces is mede door Jannes en de mensen waarmee hij werkt een prettig en succesvolle gebeurtenis geweest.
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 9
    Hans Konings heeft ons prima geholpen bij zowel de aankoop als de verkoop van onze woningen. Hij komt zijn afspraken goed na, de communicatie is duidelijk en helder en hij reageert snel op telefoontjes/berichten. Prima makelaar!
  • 10
    Jannes Munsterman is een open en prettig persoon, flexibel, heeft een professioneel team om zich heen. Levert maatwerk, prettige samenwerking. Dankzij hem is ons huis goed op Funda gepresenteerd en zijn we zeer tevreden met de verkoop(prijs).
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 9.5
    Hans is een prettige makelaar die goed luistert naar je wensen. Naar aanleiding van die wensen gaat hij gericht op zoek en deelt/reageert alleen op huizen die daarop aansluiten!
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 9
    Prettige contacten. Barbara heeft het hele proces van begin tot het eind voor ons gedaan, dat is prettig als je op een afstand woont. En dat heeft ze uitstekend gedaan. Haar ervaring blijkt uit alles.
Ook goed dat ze ons over elke vervolgstap heeft geïnformeerd, want het blijft toch spannend. Alle betrokkenen waren opgelucht met het verrassend goede resultaat.

Barbara, nog bedankt.
    Een funda gebruiker
  • 8
    Prettig contact vriendelijk
Weet goed hoe de huizenmarkt in elkaar steekt. 
Huis zeer snel verkocht voor een goede prijs
    Een funda gebruiker

Buying a house

Purchase process

You have just arrived in the Netherlands or you have been here a while and first you rented, but now you want to buy a house here for the first time. What all is involved, RE/MAX Gildenhof can help you with this.


Free advice

If you want to know more, feel free to contact us. We will go through the entire buying process with you and discuss how we can help you make the right choices, so that you can optimal enjoy your new home.


Options for purchase brokers

Are you looking and want someone to help you through this process? With RE/MAX Gildenhof as your real estate agent, who also has the international allure, you will have the support of our professional expertise at your fingertips during one of the most important periods in your life. Let us find you a new home. We always do so with a positive outlook and a smile!


Purchase Process

How do we find a home for you?

All RE/MAX Gildenhof buyers are emailed properties based on your requirements. Of course you search yourself as well, because we discuss a certain area, but maybe your ideal home is just outside the area. In the email you'll find all the information you need -updated in real time - often before new homes are even listed on commercial platforms like Funda. And as your buying agent, we can close the best possible deal on your behalf.


Free valuation and consultation

If you are planning to sell your home, then of course you want to know what the marketvalue of the property is. In most cases a valuation is sufficient for this. We can provide this. We are happy to provide a reliable valuation of your current home. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation!


NWWI validated valuation

Both when buying and selling your home, in most cases you need a validated valuation report. In this we can also help you. You get a validated valuation report via the NWWI. Please contact our or your financial advisor to find out what kind of valuation report the lender requires.


Competitive rates

We charge a flat rate for appraisals, so you know exactly where you stand from the start. Want to know what we charge? Get in touch with us.


Valuation process

Appraisal request

After you contact us, we schedule an appraisal so we can inspect the house. The appraiser will arrange for the appraisal to be officially registered with the NWWI and you will receive an order confirmation by email. After that, we can get to work!

- Scheduling the viewing

- Report valuation to NWWI

- Order confirmation

After the valuation report has been validated by the NWWI, you will be sent the valuation report and you can send it to your financial advisor.

Cup of coffee or tea together?

Do you want to sell your current home or are you looking for your dream home? Then we cordially invite you to an initial introductory meeting at our office.

Welcome to Our Renting Process:

A general Overview 

At RE/MAX Gildenhof, we conduct a thorough analysis of the financial landscape for all potential tenants, advising and making sure they meet all requirements. In the Netherlands, a highly regulated and dynamic market, navigating rental regulations can be complex, which is why the expertise of professional agents is invaluable.


Therefore we compile a folder that captures both your financial and personal information and we use it represent you in the market. It includes passport photos, if already available BSN (citizen service number), financial statements, payment slips, and an introduction letter to the landlord telling more about your professional life and your lifestyle. From our experience, this folder smooths the process and it is key to quickly securing your desired property as fast as we can.


Many Expats have never written an introduction letter to the landlord before. We understand that and we will also guide you on how to write this is simple yet essential document that provides insight into your lifestyle, work, and expectations for moving into a new home. 


Our services follow the steps below:

  • Understanding Your Needs: We prioritize understanding your unique requirements and preferences.
  • Creation of Your Folder: We compile comprehensive information to strengthen your rental application.
  • Research & Advising: We conduct together thorough research and provide expert advice.
  • Searching & Booking Viewings: We manage together the search process and coordinate property viewings.
  • Negotiation of Terms: We negotiate rental terms on your behalf, ensuring fairness and compliance with local regulations.
  • Signing Contract & Handover Keys: We guide you through the contract signing process and facilitate the handover of keys.
  • Follow-Up: We provide ongoing support and assistance, ensuring a seamless transition into your new home.

Throughout the process, we accompany you to viewings, and in instances where you cannot attend in person, we offer virtual viewing options via video call. 


We also offer you the possibility of working together with our digital office that enables you to do all process from your home. At RE/MAX Gildenhof we are committed to simplifying the rental journey and helping you find your ideal home with confidence.